Principal's Desk

Message from Principal





Greetings from Khandra College!!!

A student is an ambassador bearing the insignia of the Institute throughout his life. Keeping in mind  this philosophy, Khandra College always welcome a student to understand today's realities of life and makes an all-round effort to hone the skills of the young talents continuously during their association with our College and thereafter as well.

Our College always encourages a student not only to learn but also to make others learn through dissemination of knowledge, using the vast library database, computer laboratory and continuous faculty support. The Colleges strives to create a healthy relationship between the Academia and the Industry. The commitment commences from admission and continues sometimes, even after passing out of the students handholding them for entrepreneurial activities to make the student not only a job seeker but a job creator in their life. Our motto is to make them self-dependent and contribute in creating a sustainable society. Apart from classroom teaching, the College also encourage students to participate in organising seminars, workshops and interact with Industry doyens to create a symbiotic relationship with education through continuous interaction.

I welcome you to be a part of this success story and carve out a niche for yourself.

Best of luck,

Dr Pinaki Ranjan Bhattacharyya